We know that not everyone that serves in Rwanda with Come Away missions will go again, but we strive to demonstrate to people the importance of long-term missions.
Everything Come Away Missions does in Rwanda is based around discipleship. Our heart is for a person to come home from a missions trip having built lasting relationships, found God’s calling, and having invested in peoples’ lives. It takes time to build relationships, but once you meet the people, hear their stories, and allow God to move as he sees fit, you will be hooked.
What a missions trip with Come Away might look like…
To better love and disciple the people of Rwanda, you must understand what they have lived through.
Below is more information about the 1994 genocide:
In April 1994, members of the Hutu ethnic majority people group murdered as many as 800,000 of their fellow Rwandans, mainly of the Tutsi minority. Started by Hutu nationalists in the capital of Kigali, the genocide spread throughout the country with shocking speed and brutality, as ordinary citizens were incited by local officials and the Hutu Power government to take up arms against their neighbors. By the time the Tutsi-led Rwandese Patriotic Front gained control of the country through a military offensive in early July, hundreds of thousands of Rwandans were dead, and 2 million refugees (mainly Hutus) fled Rwanda, exacerbating what had already become a full-blown humanitarian crisis. The rest of the world essentially looked away.
While genocide is a powerful testimony to the shocking influence hate can have over people's lives, we look to Rwanda equally as a testimony to the healing power of forgiveness, love, and a community mindset. While the scars of genocide are very much present, the Rwandan people have chosen to settle into peaceful lifestyles: farming, worshiping, and raising children.
The heartbeat of Come Away Missions is to love God and love people. The Great Commission to go and make disciples starts by building relationships. We want you to come with a mindset of eager anticipation for the friendships you will begin in Africa and continue for a lifetime. We want to share the love of Christ with believers in Rwanda so that we all grow from the experience of deep connections built on shared faith.
**Warning**: Discipleship done Jesus' way creates unique bonds which, in our experience, make it impossible to go home unchanged. The draw to return to Africa will never leave you once you experience mission work from this perspective.
Once in the village of Gahara, our teams can love on kids that are part of our child sponsorship program. The kids and their families are so excited to meet new people! We teach them about the love of Jesus, do crafts, sing, dance, and play games. Fair warning: you may show up confident of your athletic ability and leave destroyed by their soccer skills. Plan accordingly.
Not only do you have the opportunity to work directly with the children in our program, but if you sponsor a child yourself, you can visit their homes, meet their families, and give them gifts. There is nothing like hanging out with a kid whose face is on your fridge and whose name is in your family's prayers.
If you are a pastor or ministry leader, we would love for you to come away with us and teach Rwandan leaders what you have learned during your ministry. They are hungry to learn and excited to implement new skills and knowledge into their ministries.
Discipleship and relationships deepen by sharing your story. We have found that spending time in small (or large) group settings, sharing our testimonies, and opening scripture together is the most effective way to empower and encourage each other to run our race well. Sharing your story is impactful and builds bridges. Hearing the Rwandan's stories will change you in ways you won't see coming. It will give you a passion to love Jesus in new ways.
We also love to come with games and activities. Laughing is relationship glue, and we want to build authentic relationships.
An often overlooked but valuable mission field is loving on Rwandan teenagers. You will be able to build relationships by discipling the youth, similar to how others disciple the adults. Through sharing your testimony, teaching biblical truths, and playing games, the love of Christ will be shared, and lives will forever be changed. Come prepared to dive into deep waters with these kids. They love to ponder hard things. You will be inspired and won't leave the same.
We believe that if we can remind husbands and wives to be excited about their marriages, to love each other how Christ loves the church, to serve one another, and keep Jesus at the center of their relationship, then generations to come can be impacted. We love for healthy married couples to come and share what they have learned that has helped their marriage thrive, honestly share their ups and downs, teach biblical foundations of marriage, and play games to get couples engaged with each other.
We want to inspire African marriages to work through challenging issues practically and have fun in the process.
This a fun time of fellowship and teaching!
You will be able to build relationships by discipling worship leaders and upcoming worship teams in Rwanda. The Love of Christ will be shared through your testimony, teaching the importance of worship and practical, technical skills. You will have the opportunity to empower these women and men to walk confidently in their calling.
Our medical training focuses on teaching health-related principles that people can put into practice with the resources available to them. Through discipleship, people learn that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. If they learn to care for their bodies, they will be better equipped to do what God calls them to do.
• Group medical training.
• Water, sanitation, and hygiene.
• Prevention of infectious diseases.
• Neonatal, infant, and pediatric care.
• Family planning and women's health.
• Musculoskeletal disorders with PT/OT.
• Preventative medicine.
• Individual medical and spiritual patient counseling.
• Encouraging patients to go to the local health center.
• Helping them understand their chronic diseases.
• Assisting them in finding the resources they need.
• Providing financial assistance to those in great need.
Sometimes education just isn't enough. At times, Come Away offers financial assistance to help with transportation costs, physical and occupational therapy, prescription medications, and other fees not paid for by the local health insurance.
There is nothing more beautiful than when two worlds collide for one purpose, to lift up the name of Jesus. There will be singing, dancing, Bible study, and preaching from the word of God. It is a day you will never forget.
We have an amazing business ministry called Do Good Project. There are 25 women from around the country who come together to create beautiful products that we help them sell all over the United States. You can experience the creative process as our artisans are hard at work. Creating in Africa differs significantly from what you may have seen at home. Being part of handmade products produced in healthy and joyful environments is fun and inspiring. You will also have the opportunity to shop from the products they make while you are there! If you're brave, you can go fabric shopping with the team. It is complete color overload.
Learn more and shop at: dogoodproject.net
This is a day full of fun and adventure. You will have the opportunity to experience nature at its finest at Akagera National Park in Rwanda.
Click here to learn more: https://akageranationalpark.org/
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