Sponsor a child today for only $42/month
How it Works

View available sponsorships on the next page. You can search by age or gender.

Sponsor a child for only $42/month. Your child will receive food, schooling, clothing, medical insurance, and more.
As a child sponsor, you have the opportunity to bless your child with gifts during the holiday season through monetary donations.

Click here to discover the impact of child sponsorship through sponsor stories.

*We ask that all sponsorships be a year-long commitment.
You know the commercials that show kids in Africa, the ones where they are wearing tattered clothes? Their belly ironically swollen from malnutrition? Flies on their faces? Unfortunately, in our 15 years of experience going to Rwanda, that is not staged or unique. The children who run to greet our mission teams each trip all are that child.
Come Away Missions exists to give God glory and empower believers to make Jesus known among the nations. One way you can help bring Jesus’ name to the village of Gahara in the remote parts of Rwanda, Africa is by sponsoring a child.
As a sponsor, when you choose a child or children to consecutively support, you can be confident that he or she will receive food, schooling, clothing (including uniforms for school and future sports programs), medical insurance, and celebrations for special occasions.
One thing unique about being a Come Away sponsor is that your child and their families will attend monthly events for discipleship and fellowship. We want to empower them to do more than survive. We want to equip the whole family to thrive as believers in Jesus.
You can purchase small gifts and send notes for your sponsored child that will be taken over with our various mission teams. If you currently sponsor a child, please make sure you are a member of our Child Sponsorship Group on Facebook to stay updated! We also update our child sponsors through e-mail. You will be given the opportunity to go on mission trips with Come Away Missions and in doing so be able to visit your sponsored child/ren.
Even more important than meeting a child’s immediate needs, we are committed to teaching a community about Jesus, creating ownership, providing opportunities, and helping them to plan for a future in God’s will. Every sponsored child will benefit from financial assistance after they graduate high school and their parent or guardian will be required to attend monthly training while their child is sponsored.

Are You Ready to Make a Difference in Rwanda?
Sponsor a Child Today.
Child Sponsorships